So wie ich das rauslese ist es wohl prinzipiell so, dass er nicht wusste das BTR im Februar nochmal tourt.
Ansonsten scheint es ihm vermittelt worden zu sein, dass BTR danach eine 'Pause' machen, also keine Presseauftritte, Konzerte etc. sondern sich auf das Arbeiten im Hintergrund fokussieren werden.
Hey guys,
Since my twitter has literally blown up in the past few days, I figured it would help a lot if I cleared somethings up in a detailed post. It’s really cool to see that Big Time Rush has such an amazing fan base. Please read this full post before you jump to conclusions or jump down my throat. I think there are a lot of things that were taken the wrong way and this is my way of clearing it up.
First off, let me start off by introducing myself since I’ve gotten at least 50 tweets of people trying to tell me that I’m not a real person. My name is Nate Blasdell, I’m 19 years old, and currently reside in Western New York. I’ve spent the past five years writing music and constantly touring the country with bands of my own. Most recently, I spent the last three years touring and writing music for Dividing The Skyline.
After Dividing The Skyline broke up, I really didn’t know what I was going to do with music. I was pretty heart broken. I had lost my bandmates as best friends and I literally had poured everything I had into that band for the three years we existed. We broke up in August so in October I hit up a contact with a management company that I had made through the band to see if they had any bands that were in need of a guitarist. I was told they didn’t have things in the works, but a few days later I got a call back and was told “Hey man, I need a studio guitarist for some instrumental tracks for some boy bands on my roster, if you learn these tracks within the next three days, we’ll fly you out to New York City and take care of all your expenses.” I was all over it and super excited so I was able to learn the five songs they had given me parts for and packed my bags to go spend the week in New York.
When I was out there recording, I had no idea who the tracks were going to be used for. I had an idea because I knew most of the bands that were on the CAA roster, but in all honesty, I had no idea or if they were even going to wind up being used for anything at all. Recording went really well, and quite speedy, so when the week was over, I flew back home to Rochester. Even when I left, I still had no idea what the tracks were being used for.
I went back home and spent thanksgiving with my family, then a few weeks later, I got another call from Faculty Management, asking if I could be in Detroit the next day to go and sub for Emblem3 for an acoustic radio station performance because the time over lapped with their soundcheck for a show that night, so their touring guitarist couldn’t be at both places at once. This is a week before Christmas and I still had no idea if the tracks I had recorded in New York were going to be used for anything or not.
Finally, i went back home again for Christmas and only a few days after I was back home, I got a call and was told Big Time Rush’s manager had selected three of the five tracks that I had played on to be sent for a writing session for BTR. THIS IS ALL I WAS TOLD BY MANAGEMENT, nothing else. I’ am not a huge Big Time Rush fan, nor was I really into them before I heard this news. I had met the band in LA and gotten some CD’s signed for my little cousin’s because they were huge fans, but that was really my only encounter with the guys personally. When I met them, I was told Kendall was on tour with some other band, so that’s why the signed CD’s I gave away last night, were not signed by Kendall..
Anyway, a few days later(yesterday) I was told by management that it was okay to announce that the tracks I had played on were selected by BTR’s management. This was a really huge deal for me, I was super stoked, so I posted it on Facebook. Then that’s when everything blew up. People started messaging me, tweeting me, emailing me, and even as far as calling me about whether or not there was a 4th BTR album in the works. I was told the band was on a personal break for a little bit, but I nor management had any idea that their fandom was worried that there wasn’t going to be another album. I honestly had no idea about anything, I was just kind of thrown under the bus.
So the question is there a confirmed 4th album? I have no idea. Trust me, some random kid on twitter would not be the first one to announce that publicly. The band would be. All I can say is what I was told: That they have tracks selected for a writing session. So whether or not that means a new album or not, I couldn’t be the one the tell you. You can take that information and take it as what you want. All I can say is that they’re having writing sessions.
BUT writing sessions are a long ways away from a CD. I thought I should clear this up to, to give you a little bit of detail on how an album is written, recorded, then released. Most bands write about 50 songs for an album. Then they go record them in what is called Pre-Production. This could also be referred to as demos. This is the second part of recording an album. You hear what the songs actually sound like recorded and polished apposed to playing them live. It’s a completely different ball game when it’s recorded. Then after pre-production is finished, they narrow those 50 songs down to about 10. Those are the songs that are taken, re-recorded, then released on the real album.
So as you can see, the writing session is quite a ways away from releasing.
The band has said that they want to release a new CD before they tour again. So at least that means, when the time comes, whether that’s now, or in a few months, or even next year, they’ll be focused on recording a CD, not touring. I’ am in no way a spokesman for BTR or their management, I just announced something that was huge on my end and was okay’d my management. I’m sorry if you feel as if you were mislead. I didn’t think it would blow up the way it did either.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me via twitter, Instagram or Facebook, and I’ll answer as much as I can, but there’s not much more I can say than what is already said. I really appreciate everyone’s support as this is truly a dream come true for me. I’m sorry if anyone felt mis-informed or offended or thinks this is some kind of troll. But it’s not. I’m a real person, that plays real music, that lives a real life, with REAL feelings. So please, watch what you say on twitter. Feel free to look through some pictures of the trips I took while recording on my instagram.
This is not a statement from the band, this is a statement on my behalf.
Hope all of you had a great holiday,
Thanks guys
Im Hintergrund? ?? Was soll das denn bedeuten?
AntwortenLöschenNa, das sie Songs schreiben und nicht unbedingt jeden Tag verkünden werden "yo liebe rushers heute treffen wir uns um songs zu schreiben geil ne!!!!"
LöschenDanke :-D
Löschenaber wann wollen die wieder kommen :(( okey okey ich göne ihnen es ja aber ich werde sie schrecklich vermissen das sie nicht mehr mit Wartezeit auf das neue Album uns auf die Palme der verzweifelung treiben trotzdem viel spaß BTR und vielleicht haben kendall und logan dann eine Freundin und James endlich mit seiner on -off Beziehung klargekommen ich vermisse sie jetzt schon also viel spaß an btr und erholsame zeit wünsche ich
AntwortenLöschenIch weiß,auch wenn die Frage nicht passend ist,aber wann erscheint eigentlich die neue DVD also der erste Teil der dritten Staffel?
AntwortenLöschenWurde in den letzten Tagen schon mehrfach beantwortet e_e
LöschenWISSEN WIR NICHT. Wendet euch an den Publisher der DVD!
er hat außerdem geschrieben das die jungs das 4th Album in arbeit haben aber nur die trecks und er sagte die meisten bands machen so um die 50 tracks aber nur 10 kommen auf die CD also weiß er auch nicht wann das 4th Album kommt obwohl kendall darinen auch sagt das es nicht mehr lange dauern soll
AntwortenLöschenEndlich mal jemand der auch Sachen klar stellt und uns nicht so im Regen stehen lässt. \(•.•)/
AntwortenLöschenAber echt nett von ihn, dass er das tut.
Übersetzung? ! Oder Kurzfassung? !
AntwortenLöschenSeh ich so aus als ob ich Zeit hab hier jedesmal irgendwelche Texte zu übersetzen?!
LöschenSorry aber das find ich immer echt zuviel verlangt wenn manche hier alles aufm SIlbertablett wollen :/ Bloß mal selber nicht nachdenken, oder noch schlimmer ein Wörterbuch nehmen und nachschlagen...
Da geb ich dir recht. Manchmal habe ich hier echt das Gefühl, dass hier keiner ein Wort Englisch versteht! Wo gehen die denn zur Schule?
LöschenPrivat Schule wieso?
Löschenano 1445 das war nicht böse gemeint okey das sagt mann als Sprichwort
AntwortenLöschenWo is denn mein Post von vor einer Stunde (keine Ausreden wieder)???
ich hab ne frage: heisst carlos jz carlos penavega?
LöschenAlexa heißt mit Nachnamen Pena-Vega, aber Carlos heißt soweit ich weiß immer noch Pena mit Nachnamen!
LöschenDie heißen beide jz mit nachname